September 6, 2024

The Kabakoo Effect: Learners Success Survey

Written by:
Leïla Keita

Since launch in July 2018, more than 530 learners have attended our learning training and 100% of our alumni/ learners would recommend Kabakoo... Maybe because they are 5 times (!) more likely to be employed after Kabakoo.

Today we are pleased to share some key results of our “Learners success survey” of September 2020. Kabakoo before-after-effect is tremendous! Once again the Kabakoo Experience demonstrates its lifelong impact for our learners thanks to a educational model geared towards employability and entrepreneurial job creation. We are proud to shape successful life pathways for young africans and ready to do more!

Thank you to all our mentors and partners who are vibing on this journey with us, but most of all, thank you to our learners who have believed and continue to believe in the Kabakoo Experience!